

Since bone structure varies in size from person to person, researchers have added frame size as a factor in helping to determine someone's ideal weight. Knowing your frame size can help you set reasonable weight goals. Enter your height and elbow width and this calculator will use standard insurance industry tables to show your frame size and ideal weight range. (Measuring the elbow, rather than the wrist, to determine frame size gives more range and accuracy, particularly for men.)

Input Fields:

Title A title for these calculator results that will help you identify it if you have printed out several versions of the calculator.
US/Metric Choose US or Metric units.
Gender Select your gender.
Height Your height. Use feet (ft) and inches (in) if units is US or centimeters (cm) if units is Metric.
Elbow Width The width of your elbow. Hold your dominant arm straight out in front of you then bend your elbow 90 degrees, pointing your fingers straight up. Keep your fingers straight and hold your thumb towards you. From the under side of the bent arm, use calipers to measure the distance between the two prominent bones on either side the elbow. If you don't have calipers, use your opposite thumb and index finger to find the two prominent bones of your bent elbow. Measure the distance between the thumb and index finger by carefully maintaining the distance and holding them against a tape measure or ruler.

Output Fields:

Frame Size Your calculated frame size (Small, Medium, or Large).
Ideal Weight Height and Frame Size are used to determine your Ideal Weight range.

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All calculators are made available as self-help tools for your independent use with results based on information provided by the user. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes only. Calculated results are believed to be accurate but results are not guaranteed. Exercise, Fitness, Health, and Weight Loss calculators are not for providing medical advice and should not be used as a substitute for advice from a medical professional. Users are advised to check with a physician before undertaking any strenuous exercise or diet plan.
Presented by WebCalcSolutions.com and BizCalcs.com.
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Updated 04 Jul 2007