Compulsive Gambler Assessment
Compulsive Gambler
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Gambling is addictive if it interferes with a person's day-to-day life. Many behaviors, like gambling, can become as addictive as a substance. Between 2%-4% of Americans are compulsive gamblers and teens are about 3 times more likely to become gambling addicts than adults. There are 2 categories of gambling addiction - Action Gambling and Escape Gambling. Action gamblers are addicted to the thrill of risk-taking. They usually gamble with others so they can be recognized as the winner. Men who are compulsive gamblers are usually action gamblers. Escape gamblers use gambling to escape uncomfortable feelings or an emotional crisis. They want to avoid interacting with others, so they may use slot machines or gamble over the internet. Most women who have a gambling addiction are escape gamblers. Compulsive gamblers in all age groups are more likely to use tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and other drugs. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of compulsive gambling and help you determine if you may have a problem that could lead to a gambling addiction. (The questions for this assessment have been adapted from Gambler's Anonymous Twenty Questions.)
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